Sunday, 31 July 2022

Tutorial level and icons redesigned

Phew, we are almost there! I've just managed to finish the tutorial level, which was mostly done, but had a couple of bugs that forced me to keep it disabled. This is how its first step looks like:
An I have as well redesigned the icons, as the old one wasn't fitting so well. Here are they:

Discord Server

I have created a Discord server, so that when the game is launched, people can join and discuss related stuff in there. This is invite for it:

Level 11, Room 07

Saturday, 30 July 2022

First trailer for Steam

 I have just prepared a trailer so that I can publish at Steam store page. Here is it below:

Friday, 29 July 2022

Neutrino, the Mission

 I just want to kick this off, as I'm working on a casual game called Neutrino, where a photon has the mission to get into a black hole and beat the bastard neutrinos because of their superb.

I will publish more here soon, as well as a playable version in Steam.

Watch out!

We got Early Access enabled in the Steam Store ! It's so awesome when we meet deadlines before due date, isn't? That's what j...